Transforming my Energy Toward Course Creation

It has been a long time since I have written a blog post. I turned my efforts away from creative essays and introspective exploration. Instead, I focused on creating a 12-16 hour Master Class entitled: Redefining “Psychosis:” A Cultural Approach to Working with Madness, A Roadmap to the Rabbit Hole.

Time away from weekly writing has been important for me as I was not gaining an audience or selling many books. I’ll admit a sense of frustration was entering into my work. It’s not a good look writing about how jaded you feel. In working on the Masterclass, I had plans to present it, but those plans fell through when I couldn’t agree on a contract with the agency with which I was working. I decided to complete the project and apply to present the class through PESI. I am aware this is a long shot, but completion made sense. This way I am prepared if any opportunity arises.

I have been finding my Facebook feed is full of advertisements about creating online courses. I have started to explore and research what would be needed to convert my knowledge and skills into something that is concise and that could offer me a return on investment. I figure I could market through the infrastructure I have built up on my website.

I think my greatest challenge is to tilt my perspective towards providers who work with people who are in special message crisis.

I remember starting out in social work while I was in graduate school. I didn’t sign up for the job because I wanted to do harm, I just listened to my supervisors and tried to make it. I just didn’t fully understand what the people I was trying to help were going through. I didn’t want to know that I was doing everything wrong, but I did want to have good relationships with the people with whom I was working.

Some preliminary web searches has connected me with the work of Ron Unger out of Oregon and I see he has sold a number of online courses in my field.

I also have been interviewed by Charles Shaw over the course of a few years. It is my understanding that in his new book there will be a chapter about me. Working with Charles was interesting. I had the opportunity review his work and to see myself through Charles’ eyes. Charles is a writer who has been able to gain an audience. My hope is that I too can build an audience that can help change the public’s perception of “psychosis” if I can adjust what I am doing and learn how to teach online.

I am currently on transit from a visit back east to see my parents. I am in the Denver Airport and am sitting in a crowd of people who are waiting to go on a plane to Wichita, Kansas. During the visit with my father, we commiserated a little. He has also struggled for years to have his voice influence public policy with regards to ecology and economics. He eighty-one years old and grieving that he doesn’t have the influence he would like. I have listened to him talk for years and he has good ideas about save lives and the planet and address the economic income gap. He has struggled to be satisfied with his gains and to accept the fact that his ideas aren’t popular in the mainstream.

I am working on having more compassion for both of us much as I need to build compassion for the people who don’t want to listen to us. None of us are perfect. Fighting against mainstream views takes compassion and patience even when you feel like your efforts are going nowhere. I had a great time writing my memoir and it won awards for being well written. I haven’t been able to attract a large audience as a blogger or writer but am still working to find that voice that people want to hear. I love writing, but also recognize that currently YouTube and videos attract a larger audience. If people want to learn something it is important to meet them where they are at. If people like my courses, maybe they will also purchase my book.

At this point, I have a meeting with an online course guru to see if I can get help marketing and producing a digital product. I am not sure what it will bring, but I will keep readers posted.

Click here to learn about my Master Class!