I knew in my bones that the state-wide California Proposition 1 initiative would pass on March 6th kind of like I knew that the Iraq War would start as a reaction against Osama Bin Ladden and the 9-11 tragedy. Perhaps my sense of this is something that I should keep to myself. Now, mismanaging the […]
The time of this training is officially being changed to accomodate people from different time zones. We currently have six people registered and approved at the new time and there is still space for you to join. Learn a system of care that teaches participants how to work with people who experience special messages. Special messages […]
I recently found myself explaining to a relative why the involuntary psychiatric treatment via California Care Courts being suggested on the March ballot under Proposition 1 is not a good idea. I suggested to my relative that there are many other innovative approaches to address the problem of homelessness that are being ignored. I mentioned having training for mental health […]
Completing eight-hours of the Journey Through Madness Workshop in the month of November was a great learning experience. It was a humble but auspicious beginning for what I hope to be a fruitful effort to train people how to feel comfortable going down the rabbit hole with someone who has extraordinary experiences and extreme beliefs. […]
How To Be A Healing Presence Without Becoming Anxious, Power-Struggling, Or Referring the Mad Person To A Hospital How It Works Starting this November in two-hour sessions on Sunday evenings, I will teach you a new model for understanding psychosis that will help you be able to relate with a person in madness in […]
Over the last fifteen years, I have dedicated significant chunks of my weekend towards writing. I wrote a memoir, I developed draft after draft of my special message material, I built a website, and I grew my writing platform. It used to feel comfortable, like all this work was a natural part of my healing […]
Did you know that mental health challenges affect millions of people each year? In 2021, a staggering 57.8 million people in the United States experienced a mental health challenge. These numbers highlight the important impact that mental health has on our society and the urgent need for understanding, support, and practical resources to address this growing concern. It […]
In the United States, there are some estimates that suggest that approximately 50 in 10,000 people may experience psychosis or a psychotic episode at some point in their lifetime. At the same time there are estimates that 1 in every 100 people in the U.S. alone carry a diagnosis of schizophrenia, which is suggestive of a much […]
Psychosis is the name given to a wide range of mental ailments categorized by periods in which someone loses touch with reality. These episodes are difficult to process because they’re so convincing. Someone in the middle of a psychotic episode is unable to differentiate what they are experiencing from consensus reality. Did you know that […]