The time of this training is officially being changed to accomodate people from different time zones. We currently have six people registered and approved at the new time and there is still space for you to join. Learn a system of care that teaches participants how to work with people who experience special messages. Special messages are things like voices, reads on peoples energy, intuition, dreams, punny liguistic and numeric coincidences, mind reading abilities, visions, symbolic objects and hosts of other types of experience that trigger awareness about conspiracy, spirit and reality that are different than the norm.
Participants will learn a system of care that accepts these experiences as valid, yet helps direct people toward the kind of functioning they need to survive and thrive in society. The presenter is a person with lived experience who has survived a schizophrenia diagnosis and managed to run professional groups exploring the contents of special messages and the stories and journeys they create over the past sixteen years. The training will be 16-20 hours dpending on the group input Unforunately CEUs will not be offered. Also, the trainings will recorded and shared with participants for their review and contents of recording may one day be used towards the creation of an online course..
The training is meant to help family members, providers, and peers learn how to reach and connect with people who are in a special message crisis, Trainees might be able to count the training towards their license. By the end of the training participants will have a different definition of what psychosis is across diagnostic categories and hosts of intervention strategies that offer hope for better relationships and social functioning than might have been previously imagined. The training only costs 100$ but scholarships are available to those who are willing to commit to the whole year.
I will be reaching out to people I am familiar with and anticpate that there will be quite a few more participants by the end of the month so don’t hesitate to confirm your spot. The training will be starting March 3 and unavailable to join again until 2025 so act soon.