
Slide A transformational
personal journey
Slide And collections of
community wisdom
Slide Into workshops
and trainings
Slide And your personal
psychotherapy needs

Psychotherapy, Writing, Training . . .

Welcome to the psychotherapy website  of Tim Dreby, MFT. With twenty eight years of experience in community mental health, I work with an array of mental health challenges. If you are looking for safe, nonjudgemental support from a seasoned clinician, you can check out my practice page for more details. I stay current with the latest trauma modalities, am in network with a host of insurance panels, and am practiced at adjusting to meet you where you are at.

The innovation that I am most known for is my work with what I call special messages. These are extraordinary experiences that people must navigate when they are in a state of trauma, “psychosis,” or “mania” that can happen across diagnostic categories. I have run special message groups for sixteen years in which participants learn about special messages in an inclusive and reassuring manner. They are a part of more people’s mental health than many would think.

You can find links to my award-winning book and trainings below that are there to help readers better understand what “psychosis” is and about cultural delusions associated with medicalized words like “schizophrenia,” “schizoaffective,” or “bipolar.” Learn to have supportive relationships with people who have endured “psychosis” so that you can help them make the world a better place. Additionally, you may want to check out my blog for writings to learn more about me, about psychosis, or just to have a good time. Thank you so much for stopping by!

Join Tim’s Email List to Learn About Special Messages, a Free PDF



Teletherapy on Fridays and Saturdays!

Across Diagnostic Categories!
Whether you are a sufferer, survivor, provider or loved one, I am almost certain that when we look across diagnostic categories that more people relate to these experiences than you think!

What Will People Think?
When a person first experiences a psychosis or special message emergency, many think a threshold has been crossed from which there is no going back. Often, associates presume the worst possible outcome and go on with their lives as if the sufferer no longer exists.

Often, the focus of treatment is overly protective reality checks and behavioral control. Many experts do not know what to do and utilize an institutional system that does not work and can make things worse. They may vastly underestimate what the sufferer can learn and accomplish.

My First Keynote

On June 12th this year I have been invited to do my first keynote at the OCEACT Conference in Bend Oregon. This is a conference for providers who work on ACT teams throughout the state of Oregon. I feel it is a good fit because early in my career I used to work on a […]

Dining Room Discourse

Come travel the depths of this lonely night Where knotted roots grope for a morsel Amid the pale faces of flesh undressed Whose pathways are smitten with pools of blood That had once been pumped by a vital heart Now lay stagnant, solitary tear drops. “Besides,” she says: head bowing, smile sly, “My boyfriend would […]

Mental Health Warehousing And I

I was a skinny and reluctant social worker when I first started out. I was working through an eating disorder. Initially, I didn’t really believe that taking home a middle-class salary for nickel and diming those less fortunate was my idea of contributing to the world. I guess, I’d gotten the idea that that was […]

How Message Mindfulness Can Help Change the Madness Within Our System!

A Definition of Psychosis that Includes Internal Processes: I believe there are fundamental ways that the inaccurate social definition of psychosis and schizophrenia lead to mistreatment in mental health institutions. The historical definition of psychosis in all the Diagnostic Statistical Manuals is: hallucinations, delusions, and disorganized thinking. In master’s level training I never got more […]