A silk swim swish slides through water
Settling to a sit still for a momentary sigh
Till tail then thrusts inching forward
Flaunting beauty through water
With an unacknowledged triumphant cry.
As the fish meanders, does it find
Aquatic objects
Dancing in pirouettes as they wind
Dizzy in their swirls of activity
That exists and so aptly reflects
The complexity of simplicity’s relativity
Do the colored stone
Produces patterns to be known
And reflected upon with revelation
And induce further observation?
Knocking a plastic weed
Already observed from many perspectives
Is its poor memory in a state of recede?
Reveling in stimuli devoured?
Contrast this stillness with the crazy outside
Projected in all of its valor
Amidst the peripheral proceeds.
Are observations selective?
Does the fish snatch serenity out of the incoming hail?
Shadows objects and colors, in grand stampede.
Or is the fish’s peace subjective
Defying the scientific objective
Filtering into its mind
The meaning of life unveiled,
Enhancing its perspective on power?
I pray the fish find’s its navigational extravaganza interesting
Twisting, turning, answering to its own requesting
Tolerating tank’s bubbles that are infesting
The water—bubbles sacrificed for the air’s ingesting
The result of human technological investing
In accordance with habitat evolutionary testing
As time goes on never resting
Dispersing thumping bubbles manifesting
A gurgling tickle in the fishes heart, jesting
In much the same way rhyme can be molesting.
The prime
Of time
Is intense
By design.
As intelligence
Sells time’s
Great essence
(which is Divine)
Humans dispense
Sad whines
Used to finance
The time’s
Into caged confines
Twenty-four hours a day the fish faces time’s insistence.
If it gets tired it will face the next seconds’ crime
Without the ability to murmur defiance
In mime
Spoken silence
Fish chimes:
“I know I’m
No influence
Can’t sense
Time’s occurrence
I’m resigned
In truancy
To find
Future persistence
With time’s
My credence
Is my spine’s
And so does time ticks on
Not getting the fish anywhere
With the absence of change’s dare?
Occurrences have lulled around in quietness;
But then stop. Nose nubs against glass. The edge.
There sits a judging human bearing witness
To the fishes nothingness and dredge,
The production-less-ness of its existence,
The meaninglessness of mere subsistence
The fish stares back at this human desire
A flame of possessive fire
And so the fish is overwhelmed as it nears
The bottomless pit of the human eye
That bears the selfishness of death to fear
Greedy, heartbroken and dire– that eye
Of dreams dispersed like water into the wind
Bearing the rage of needs within
Salty, spiteful, smacking with grinning sneer.
At this moment, the fish seizes its immortal right
It thinks about craziness at drunken parties,
About promiscuous sprees and marriage decrees
And the baby that it observed appeared one night.
The fish perceives the human’s eternal plight
With tears that if uttered could fill the seas
The inevitability of loneliness summoning their pleas
That are extended to soften life’s bitter bite.
Human freedom—both material and intellectual
Might be beyond the realm of the fish’s captivity;
But human imprisonment is architectural,
Constructed of obligatory conformity and emotions
That are multi-wired tangles of electrical activity
All based on the premise of monetary devotion.
The potency of a prison will never be deluded,
A psychiatry reserved for the destituted.
Now, in the moment when the fish in the tank
Knows that humans and fish do not differ
It ponders the cage descending from God-given life, a miffer,
Until human takes a net an scoops up the fish’s good soul
And fucking swallows the fish whole
Deeper into the reality we will call human skank!