
Fighting For Freedom in America: Memoir of a “Schizophrenia” and Mainstream Cultural Delusions From transformational
personal journey
Through collections
of community wisdom
And trainings To your own personal
psychotherapy needs

Training, Writing, Psychotherapy . . .

inspired by lived experience

If you are looking to better understand what the word “psychosis” means, you have landed in the right place. The way this word is understood in the modern world clouds the judgement of the average treatment provider, family member, and sufferer. Mainstream  judgements and cultural delusions around the medicalized concept of the label schizophrenia can lead to challenging interpersonal relationships and pain and suffering.

People who want to help do not want to be seen as evil oppressors endlessly punishing the sufferer until they start to comply with warehousing, poverty and meaningless lives. They have to work with money making institutions that are there to sustain themselves. Such institutions are often full of stigma and people who have read misinformation in textbooks and don’t know how to form dignified and respectful relationships with people who are experiencing a “break” from reality.

This site is dedicated to advancing training, writing, and thought that challenge mainstream views of psychosis and advance a more normalize, mutual, and realistic understanding of what is happening in “psychosis” or a “break” from reality. We are setting up trainings that can help you understand what is happening during psychosis both within the sufferer and within the society. These things clearly need to be worked out.

There is a lot to read and understand on this site in the pages and blog. You may prefer to sign my email list and keep abreast of opportunities to contribute and learn to have optimal relationships that can help improve society rather than relationships that involve pain, suffering, and oppression.

You are not nearly as alone as you may think.  Simple acceptance is often the first step towards transforming your life.

New Number



638 Webster St, Suite 210C, Oakland, CA

Across Diagnostic Categories!
Whether you are a sufferer, survivor, provider or loved one, I am almost certain that when we look across diagnostic categories that more people relate to these experiences than you think!

What Will People Think?
When a person first experiences a psychosis or special message emergency, many think a threshold has been crossed from which there is no going back. Often, associates presume the worst possible outcome and go on with their lives as if the sufferer no longer exists.

Often, the focus of treatment is overly protective reality checks and behavioral control. Many experts do not know what to do and utilize an institutional system that does not work and can make things worse. They may vastly underestimate what the sufferer can learn and accomplish.

Interview on Psychosis Summit

Click for Interview

2024 Training Rescheduled to 4pm-6pm PST, First Sunday of the Month

The time of this training is officially being changed to accomodate people from different time zones. We currently have six people registered and approved at the new time and there is still space for you to join. Learn a system of care that teaches participants how to work with people who experience special messages. Special messages […]

Podcast, This is actually happening! #91: What if you received Special Messages?

Click for Podcast

The Day the Bomb Dropped

And so I’m hanging with my main man, Dan Who can’t afford rent, dignity now inept, Cause federal subsidy is a damn scam! And we imagine shelterless street sultans Rooting through boarding home shanties, stench swept And so I’m hanging with my main man, Dan And he curses disability program, Cursing the fate that he […]