Keeping My Eyes on the Prize

As the summer wanes, there is still that sense of loss. The traffic in and out of work always thickens, the days shorten, and we in California must start to pray for rain. Last weekend my dog turned two and she and I are readying ourselves for our weekly hike.

Last weekend I flew back East to attend my sister’s wedding, a joyful occasion. The trip worked out better than I anticipated. I was able to support my mother who is having some health problems.

I have been in touch with Asylum magazine in London and may have at last secured a publication, one of my new posts to check out this month.

Additionally, Fighting for Freedom in America has been recognized in the annual 2018 Top Shelf Magazine award program as a finalist. It is good to get some positive feedback and to still be in the running for a first-place award.

I have made two presentations this month: one at Gladman Hospital and one at Best Now, the local peer counsellor training program. Both went over well. I am currently trying to inquire about setting up training that mixes peer counsellors and professionals. I want to provide CEU training for professionals and encourage professionals to invite peers as co-facilitators in their agencies to proliferate group and enhance therapy work locally. I hope to collaborate with the county to offer CEU credits and offer the training at PEERS in East Oakland. Proliferating therapy groups locally that focus on providing treatment for psychosis has been a long-term goal of mine. Getting people trained will also enable me to focus my efforts on training and advance my special message material. So, I remain hopeful.

This month I have published:

Beneath the Suds and Psychiatric Labels


Identifying the Trickster Phenomena During A Message Crisis or “Psychosis:”